Sunday, January 6, 2008

Be informed


It doesn't make people bad people, but it can be dangerous. Every morning as people stream past my desk many of them like to stop for a second and say "good morning", and we talk for a second about a wide range of topics. Recently it's been mainly about football games and the elections. One very sweet lady lately has been saying as she pasts " Vote Oprah for President!" and I smile and wave at her. But today I answered back " Rush Limbaugh for Presiden!". At that she paused then walked directly over to me and said with all seriousness "Just because he's black I don't understand what the big deal is. Oprah is black AND a woman and that's who I'm voting for. You know you don't have to be a man to be a good leader." I smiled back and told her that I don't care what color or gender a canidate is as long as they have conservative views. She agreed then walked away. And I couldn't help but think how disappointed this lady will be when she goes to vote and Oprah isn't on the ballot. Please people get informed about who is running and what they stand for!

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