Thursday, May 22, 2008

The best and the brightest.

Ladies and Gentlemen, may I present to you, your future Democratic Presidential Candidate.... Senator Obama!

57 States...With 1 left to go (58)....and that's NOT including Alaska and Hawaii.(60)
Maybe I just missed something. I know I only have a high school education so maybe since I graduated we have added 10 more states, but I can't think of them. And they say President Bush is an idiot. Hmmm.... right. Well it doesn't look like they have much to offer either.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Threatened? Really......

Noah Wyle is apparently trying to live up to his name sake and save the animals for a world wide disaster. The only problem is that there is NO DISASTER! In this ad he stars in, he talks about how the polar bears are dying off. Here's a FACT he missed. In 1972 polar bear population was about 5,000 today's current polar bear population is at 25,000. Also the Arctic Sea Ice has grown this last year to the 2nd place in how much there is up here. So recap, sea ice has grown and the polar bear population has multiplied by 5. Hmmm..... these people must be into that "new" math because that just doesn't add up in my head. But meanwhile this will give more power to the environmentalist to stop drilling for oil and WE will continue to pay more and more at the gas pump.