Saturday, June 14, 2008

"Can I be your neighbor?"

Question: Are American citizens the equal to Terrorist actively fighting our sons and brothers in the military? The 5 out of 4 judges in the Supreme Court says “yes”. They have granted the rights, known only to citizens and not enemy combatants previously, now upon the very enemy that has sworn to destroy us and were caught in the battlefield. Those same enemies now have the RIGHT to appeal to CIVILIAN courts in this country if they feel we have imprisoned them unjustly. UNJUSTLY??? We caught them on the battlefield SHOOTING at our military!!! Over 30% of prisoners from Gitmo have been found AGAIN fighting against us on the battlefield! Is there really any question that we are detaining them unjustly?? Seriously?!?! Here’s something else to think about, what if our liberal judges decide that we are holding them without cause and orders that we release these terrorist. Where do they go? Some of these countries that we found them in are refusing to take them back because they’re not as STUPID as some people here and don’t want them! Now were do they go? They stay here that’s where. Are you ready to share your neighborhood with hundreds of terrorist newly released from prison that STILL hate America and STILL want to see us destroyed? Well, the only thing left to do now I guess is to bake the cookies and get the goats milk ready to welcome them to the neighborhood.


emily said...

That is crazy but forgot our daughters and sisters too.... Sexist heifer.

Jessa Stephens said...

I didn't know you had one of these.... anyhow...have you watched the movie Rendition??? If you did, what did you think of it??? If you didn't, you should. It's kinda on the subject.

Matt P. said...

Em, can you ever forgive me? (if not sue!)

Jessa, I have not watched that movie and will put it on my list. However I have read about it and from what I've gathered it's point is to scare you that it could happen to anyone which is far from the truth.