Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Experience of Sara Palin

This should be interesting, while I had my doubts at first about how much experience Sara had and if she really was ready for this giant leap into the national stage, the more I did research and looked into what she has done in her time as mayor and governor I believe she is exactly in the place she needs to be for right now. First, I’d like to present some of the accomplishments that you may not know about Sara then compare it to the record of Obama.

To begin with Sara has 13 years of elected service, 4 years on the city council, then 6 years as mayor of one of the larger cities in Alaska, then Alaskan governor since 2006.

As mayor she drastically cut property taxes and the business inventory tax.

As governor, she introduced AGIA (Alaska Gas Inducement Act), which will provide natural gas to Alaskans and the lower 48 states. And she did it through the open competitive market. AGIA will prove to be as big if not bigger then the Alyeska pipeline was in the 70’s.

As far as international experience goes she has dealt with foreign nations in regards to commerce. Just last year alone the state of Alaska’s exports grew by over 12% and for the first time in our history topped over 4 billion dollars. We export to Asia, which includes Japan, Korea, and China. We export to Europe, which includes Spain, Belgium, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Russia, and a big one Germany (which increased 34% to $242 million in 2006). And also North America, which is Canada, the lower 48 and Mexico. Did I mention she received the Governor’s Exporter of the Year reward?

Sara also made a budget that cut spending (which made many in the legislator very unhappy with her) and at the end of the year had a surplus that she put into a newly formed savings account for the state. And out of some of that extra cash she gave back to the Alaskan residents a rebate to help with their fuel costs for this coming winter. (Fuel in some places of Alaska like the bush is over $6 a gallon.)

And she did all this while cleaning up the corruption in the State on all levels. She took on a very powerful incumbent Governor Murkowski in the republican primaries then defended a former democratic Governor Knowles in the general. Upon taking office she immediately cut wasteful spending and sold the governor’s jet, refused the “bridge to nowhere” and started cutting pet projects out of the budget.

Now let’s compare her to Obama.

Obama has 1 of 2 votes representing a state.
Sara is THE governor of a state with more diversity then the whole East Coast.

Obama has 2,500 employees running his campaign.
Sara has about 15,000 employees running her state government.

Obama manages a budget of $36 million a month.
Sara manages a budget over $11 billion.

Obama has been a senator for 4 years, 2 of which have been spent mainly running for president. And he has never sponsored any major piece of legislation.
Sara has been governor for 2 years and has a HUGE stack of legislation and accomplishments to her name.

Obama has NO experience with energy resources or solutions. (No, inflating tires isn’t a solution Barry.)
Sara is the governor of a state who economy is mainly based off of energy resources and she want to provide more of it to help ALL Americans!

And NEWS FLASH!!!!! To all those that keep comparing her stats as mayor to he’s credentials I’d like to remind everyone she isn’t the MAYOR anymore she is now the GOVERNOR and has been for the past 2 years!

Sarah Palin

Friday morning when I was waken by a phone call informing me that my governor had been chosen to be McCain's running mate, I felt the need to post a blog about it and why she is a GOOD choice for such a position. But after clearing my head from the initial rush I decided to wait and do a more in depth research into her pluses and minuses. So after the weekend of talking to sources in different areas I have made my list and quickly realized that I cannot make just one long post. It was just be to overwhelming for most readers. So instead I will be post every day on just one of the points at a time. I will be address the issue of her experience, her family and values, "troopergate", and way the Liberals are so afraid of her and why the Conservatives lover her. So check back tomorrow for the first of many. And if you have any questions that I haven't addressed PLEASE leave a comment or e-mail me and I will give you an informed response as soon as possible.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

"Can I be your neighbor?"

Question: Are American citizens the equal to Terrorist actively fighting our sons and brothers in the military? The 5 out of 4 judges in the Supreme Court says “yes”. They have granted the rights, known only to citizens and not enemy combatants previously, now upon the very enemy that has sworn to destroy us and were caught in the battlefield. Those same enemies now have the RIGHT to appeal to CIVILIAN courts in this country if they feel we have imprisoned them unjustly. UNJUSTLY??? We caught them on the battlefield SHOOTING at our military!!! Over 30% of prisoners from Gitmo have been found AGAIN fighting against us on the battlefield! Is there really any question that we are detaining them unjustly?? Seriously?!?! Here’s something else to think about, what if our liberal judges decide that we are holding them without cause and orders that we release these terrorist. Where do they go? Some of these countries that we found them in are refusing to take them back because they’re not as STUPID as some people here and don’t want them! Now were do they go? They stay here that’s where. Are you ready to share your neighborhood with hundreds of terrorist newly released from prison that STILL hate America and STILL want to see us destroyed? Well, the only thing left to do now I guess is to bake the cookies and get the goats milk ready to welcome them to the neighborhood.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

The best and the brightest.

Ladies and Gentlemen, may I present to you, your future Democratic Presidential Candidate.... Senator Obama!

57 States...With 1 left to go (58)....and that's NOT including Alaska and Hawaii.(60)
Maybe I just missed something. I know I only have a high school education so maybe since I graduated we have added 10 more states, but I can't think of them. And they say President Bush is an idiot. Hmmm.... right. Well it doesn't look like they have much to offer either.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Threatened? Really......

Noah Wyle is apparently trying to live up to his name sake and save the animals for a world wide disaster. The only problem is that there is NO DISASTER! In this ad he stars in, he talks about how the polar bears are dying off. Here's a FACT he missed. In 1972 polar bear population was about 5,000 today's current polar bear population is at 25,000. Also the Arctic Sea Ice has grown this last year to the 2nd place in how much there is up here. So recap, sea ice has grown and the polar bear population has multiplied by 5. Hmmm..... these people must be into that "new" math because that just doesn't add up in my head. But meanwhile this will give more power to the environmentalist to stop drilling for oil and WE will continue to pay more and more at the gas pump.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


I found this rather intersting. WARNING: DO NOT WATCH WITH YOUNG KIDS PRESENT.


Can you image having one of these as your pastor?

Monday, January 7, 2008

Br-r-r! where did global warming go?

Boston Globe Jeff Jacoby

THE STARK headline appeared just over a year ago. "2007 to be 'warmest on record,' " BBC News reported on Jan. 4, 2007. Citing experts in the British government's Meteorological Office, the story announced that "the world is likely to experience the warmest year on record in 2007," surpassing the all-time high reached in 1998.

But a funny thing happened on the way to the planetary hot flash: Much of the planet grew bitterly cold.
In South America, for example, the start of winter last year was one of the coldest ever observed. According to Eugenio Hackbart, chief meteorologist of the MetSul Weather Center in Brazil, "a brutal cold wave brought record low temperatures, widespread frost, snow, and major energy disruption." In Buenos Aires, it snowed for the first time in 89 years, while in Peru the cold was so intense that hundreds of people died and the government declared a state of emergency in 14 of the country's 24 provinces. In August, Chile's agriculture minister lamented "the toughest winter we have seen in the past 50 years," which caused losses of at least $200 million in destroyed crops and livestock.
Latin Americans weren't the only ones shivering.
University of Oklahoma geophysicist David Deming, a specialist in temperature and heat flow, notes in the Washington Times that "unexpected bitter cold swept the entire Southern Hemisphere in 2007." Johannesburg experienced its first significant snowfall in a quarter-century. Australia had its coldest ever June. New Zealand's vineyards lost much of their 2007 harvest when spring temperatures dropped to record lows.
Closer to home, 44.5 inches of snow fell in New Hampshire last month, breaking the previous record of 43 inches, set in 1876. And the Canadian government is forecasting the coldest winter in 15 years.
Now all of these may be short-lived weather anomalies, mere blips in the path of the global climatic warming that Al Gore and a host of alarmists proclaim the deadliest threat we face. But what if the frigid conditions that have caused so much distress in recent months signal an impending era of global cooling?
"Stock up on fur coats and felt boots!" advises Oleg Sorokhtin, a fellow of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences and senior scientist at Moscow's Shirshov Institute of Oceanography. "The latest data . . . say that earth has passed the peak of its warmer period, and a fairly cold spell will set in quite soon, by 2012."
Sorokhtin dismisses the conventional global warming theory that greenhouse gases, especially human-emitted carbon dioxide, is causing the earth to grow hotter. Like a number of other scientists, he points to solar activity - sunspots and solar flares, which wax and wane over time - as having the greatest effect on climate.
"Carbon dioxide is not to blame for global climate change," Sorokhtin writes in an essay for Novosti. "Solar activity is many times more powerful than the energy produced by the whole of humankind." In a recent paper for the Danish National Space Center, physicists Henrik Svensmark and Eigil Friis-Christensen concur: "The sun . . . appears to be the main forcing agent in global climate change," they write.
Given the number of worldwide cold events, it is no surprise that 2007 didn't turn out to be the warmest ever. In fact, 2007's global temperature was essentially the same as that in 2006 - and 2005, and 2004, and every year back to 2001. The record set in 1998 has not been surpassed. For nearly a decade now, there has been no global warming. Even though atmospheric carbon dioxide continues to accumulate - it's up about 4 percent since 1998 - the global mean temperature has remained flat. That raises some obvious questions about the theory that CO2 is the cause of climate change.
Yet so relentlessly has the alarmist scenario been hyped, and so disdainfully have dissenting views been dismissed, that millions of people assume Gore must be right when he insists: "The debate in the scientific community is over."
But it isn't. Just last month, more than 100 scientists signed a strongly worded open letter pointing out that climate change is a well-known natural phenomenon, and that adapting to it is far more sensible than attempting to prevent it. Because slashing carbon dioxide emissions means retarding economic development, they warned, "the current UN approach of CO2 reduction is likely to increase human suffering from future climate change rather than to decrease it."
Climate science isn't a religion, and those who dispute its leading theory are not heretics. Much remains to be learned about how and why climate changes, and there is neither virtue nor wisdom in an emotional rush to counter global warming - especially if what's coming is a global Big Chill.

(Hmmm.... sounds like the alarmist are gonna have to switch gears pretty soon and start digging up the old "global cooling" propraganda again. )

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Wyoming Caucus Results

Congratulations to Mitt Romney for his win in the Wyoming Caucus.


Huckabee - 1
Romney - 1

Good job guys keeping McCain and Giuliani out of the race. Let's keep it going!

Be informed


It doesn't make people bad people, but it can be dangerous. Every morning as people stream past my desk many of them like to stop for a second and say "good morning", and we talk for a second about a wide range of topics. Recently it's been mainly about football games and the elections. One very sweet lady lately has been saying as she pasts " Vote Oprah for President!" and I smile and wave at her. But today I answered back " Rush Limbaugh for Presiden!". At that she paused then walked directly over to me and said with all seriousness "Just because he's black I don't understand what the big deal is. Oprah is black AND a woman and that's who I'm voting for. You know you don't have to be a man to be a good leader." I smiled back and told her that I don't care what color or gender a canidate is as long as they have conservative views. She agreed then walked away. And I couldn't help but think how disappointed this lady will be when she goes to vote and Oprah isn't on the ballot. Please people get informed about who is running and what they stand for!

Friday, January 4, 2008

try this again....

I got locked out of my hotmail account and therefore looked out of my old blogs. So.... let give this one a shot shall we?